Family Penny Bingo Night
Friday, February 7
Friday, February 7
Pfaff Elementary Gymnasium
Multiple Bingo Games • Bake Sale • Raffle • Bingo Prizes
Doors open at 6:00pm - come early to purchase pennies and raffle tickets!
First Bingo game will start promptly at 6:30pm.
Everyone will get one bingo card and one FREE raffle ticket as you enter!
Bingo Night is an event for Pfaff Families only
Fifth Grade Event will be selling pretzels & water
Let’s have some Pfaff Family fun! We look forward to seeing you there!

We need volunteers!
Sign up to help out at the event here. Sign up to bake treats for the event here!
Share your photos!
Please click HERE to share photos you take at the event with us. If you prefer, you can email the photos to